Edificio B Diputación de Málaga

Irradia successfully completes the photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in the Political Building B of the Malaga Provincial Council

Irradia successfully completes the photovoltaic installation for self-consumption in the Political Building B of the Malaga Provincial Council Irradia Energía, as the company awarded the public contract OP-PA.-16/22, completes the execution of the 195 kWp and 180 kWn photovoltaic installation, which will provide 278,760 kWh per year. The installation has been designed on the roof…

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tecno incubadora

Irradia Energía performs the engineering and construction management for the installation of a new heat pump at the Marie Curie Technoincubator in Seville.

Irradia Energía performs the engineering and construction management for the installation of a new heat pump at the Marie Curie Technoincubator in Seville. PCT Cartuja contracted Irradia Energía to prepare the “Execution Project for the replacement of the water-water chiller plant”, as well as the Works Management, in the Marie Curie Tecnoincubator building, located in…

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