As every 6 months, the inverters require mandatory on-site maintenance, where a multitude of aspects of the inverter are checked: condition of parts, calibration of components, detailed review of their software versions, etc.
For this work, our CCSS department is in permanent contact with the technicians of the different photovoltaic parks. Thanks to the experience of its members in the sector, the maintenance time is optimal and efficient, something that should be paramount, since every minute that the wind farm is not generating, is time that it is not generating.
In this last maintenance, we have worked on the 3 plants in Malaysia, located in the provinces of Merchang, Jasin and Gurun, each of 50MW nominal, making a total of 150MW.
During this maintenance, operations such as filter changes were performed to avoid high pressures in the inverters, contactors were checked because of dirt and dust that were causing failures in the forwarders, and the operation of all the inverter fans was verified remotely.